(530) 431-TV11 (8811) info@bcac.tv

BCAC Memberships for Non-Profit Organizations

If you are a resident of Butte County, then you are automatically entitled to engage and participate with BCAC.  Just complete the Free Local Resident Membership form and discover the future of community media and you.

As a Resident Member, you can submit your own content through our convenient online content submission form– please note that certain restrictions and limitations apply.  Refer to our Content Submissions guidelines for more information.

To sign up for your Free Residential Membership, simply fill out the Local Membership form.  To be sure you receive all the great benefits of this free membership, be prepared to prove your local residency with a phone number and local address.  We’ll send you a verification number within 7 days.  Once you verify your local residency, you’ll be eligible to submit your content online.

For instant membership verification, bring your ID and piece of mail with a local address by our Chico office, M-F 10am-6pm, or FAX us at ————-

FREE Membership Features

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